
Concerned about the security of your computer systems and networks?

An innovative collaboration with Black Mirage LLC now offers state-of-the-art vulnerability scanning services to help you identify and address potential security threats.

Secure your horizons with Chesapeake Analytics & Black Mirage

Black Mirage

Black Mirage is an innovative information security company. Their team of experts from various backgrounds and an extensive consultancy network specializes in a wide range of services. They embrace trans-humanism, fusing cutting-edge technology with human expertise to create personalized security solutions. Black Mirage believes in a customized approach, recognizing that one size does not fit all.

Black Mirage Services

  • Are you concerned about the security of your computer systems and networks? Black Mirage LLC offers state-of-the-art vulnerability scanning services to help you identify and address potential security threats.

  • Are you confident that your network is secure? Our penetration testing service simulates real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities in your systems before they can be exploited.

  • How effective are your security controls and incident response procedures? Our red team assessments simulate real world adversaries to test the effectiveness of your defenses. Get an honest evaluation of your security posture and take the necessary steps to protect your business.

  • Phishing, baiting, and other forms of manipulation are becoming increasingly common. Our social engineering assessments test your employees' susceptibility to these tactics, identifying areas for improvement in your security awareness training. Protect your business from the inside out with our bespoke solutions.

  • High-level executives are often targeted by attackers. Our executive security assessments assess the physical and digital security of your executives, identifying and mitigating potential threats. Protect the people who matter most to your business with our comprehensive solution.

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We can tell you why you should work with Chesapeake Analytics. However, we would rather have our clients explains why we’re the company that brings your business and analytics together.

“The best investment is in the tools of one's own trade.” ― Benjamin Franklin